HOT DEAL: Pro Dojos – $10 for 10 Martial Arts Classes. Choose From 32 Locations. (Save $131 or 87% Off)

Today’s Groupon Toronto Daily Deal of the Day: Pro Dojos – $10 for 10 Martial Arts Classes. Choose From 32 Locations. (Save $131 or 87% Off)

Buy now from only $19
Value $150
Discount 87%
You Save $131

This is a limited 2-day only sale that will expire at midnight on Monday, February 13, 2012. Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!

In a Nutshell
Certified instructors teach confidence & self-defense to pupils aged 4 & older during karate, judo & MMA classes with equipment provided

The Fine Print
Expiration varies
Limit 1 per person, may buy multiple as gifts. Limit 1 per visit. Valid only at location purchased. Subject to availability. Must be 4 or older. New clients only. Classes are non-transferable. May redeem across visits.

Pro Dojos
Valid at 32 locations

Today’s Groupon: for $19, you get 10 martial arts classes (up to a $150 value) at Pro Dojos. Choose from 32 locations.

The legion of certified instructors at each Pro Dojos location helps their pupils gain confidence and learn martial arts disciplines during classes for adults, kids, teens, and families. Students aged 4 and older can learn traditional karate moves, enroll in MMA classes to mix disciplines, or opt for kick-boxing courses that teach how to quickly break down cardboard boxes (disciplines may vary by location). Ten classes grant the power to focus on one style or test out different courses such as kung fu or traditional weaponry. Customers can also enroll in gender-specific classes at select locations. Instructors equip each of their protégés with all the requisite equipment, requiring them to dress in standard fitness attire and refrain from giving the punching bags too many hugs. Though schedules vary by location (customers should call their chosen dojo for class times), most classes last around one hour and take place during weekday evenings as well as on weekend mornings and afternoons.

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!

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