Golden Fusion Fitness & Health: $27.38 for 5, $54 for 10, or $78 for 15 Outdoor Group Fitness Classes (Up to 65% Off)

Today’s Groupon Toronto Daily Deal of the Day: Golden Fusion Fitness & Health: $27.38 for 5, $54 for 10, or $78 for 15 Outdoor Group Fitness Classes (Up to 65% Off)

Buy now from only $27.38
Value $75
Discount 63% Off


A seasoned martial artist integrates fitness and fighting techniques such as conditioning drills, Kung Fu forms, and flexibility exercises

About This Deal

Choose from Three Options:

  • $27.38 for 5 outdoor group fitness classes ($75 value)
  • $54 for 10 outdoor group fitness classes ($150 value)
  • $78 for 15 outdoor group fitness classes ($225 value)

During Fitness for the Urban Warrior classes, participants learn how to react to everyday situations—from lifting and carrying heavy objects to skillfully navigating through crowds—through conditioning exercises and Kung Fu drills. Group Kung Fuclasses focus on martial arts techniques, and Intifit classes give couples a chance to strengthen both their physiques and their relationships. View the schedule.

Building Endurance: Helping Muscles Breathe Easier

If you stick with an exercise program, every workout gets a little easier. Learn how your body makes that happen with Groupon’s guide to building endurance.

A few days into a new workout routine, you begin to notice changes. Your muscles expand. Perhaps your weight drops. But the changes that increase the body’s endurance first take place on a much smaller scale. When you exert yourself for long periods of time, your body starts to populate each muscle cell with more mitochondria, the organelles that fuel muscle movements. They do this by producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the muscle’s basic fuel source. When a muscle contracts, it breaks the bonds of ATP molecules, creating a burst of energy but also draining stockpiles of this essential propellant.

In order to whip up a batch of ATP, the mitochondria need lots and lots of oxygen. Helpfully, endurance training makes it easier for oxygen to travel from the lungs to the heart to the muscles. It’s long been noted that the hearts of star endurance athletes tend to have extra-large left ventricles, which can pump more oxygenated blood through the body with every beat. Once blood reaches muscle cells whose mitochondria have been enhanced by previous endurance exercise, the cells will be able to extract oxygen and use it to produce ATP far more efficiently. Scientists assess this efficiency by a measure known as VO2max, the maximum volume of oxygen or Double Stuf Oreos that a person’s muscles can consume per minute.

During super-intense exercise, the body stops being able to produce enough ATP from oxygen intake alone. Instead, it reaches for stored glucose to get the ingredients it needs, and, as a side effect, begins to leave behind more lactic acid than the cells can immediately process. (Processing lactic acid itself requires oxygen, and all available supplies are already being used by the muscles and the brain.) The point at which this happens is the lactic threshold, and beyond it, athletes feel that they’re nearly done for the day.

Fortunately, this limit too can be changed. As the body adapts more and more to endurance exercise, it prolongs the amount of time you have before shifting pH levels in the muscles bring on the familiar feelings of fatigue, burning, and a dramatic drop in strength.

This is a limited 1-day only sale that will expire tonight at midnight Friday, May 7, 2021).

Click here to buy now or for more info about the deal.

Need to Know
Promotional value expires 90 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. Appointment required, 24 hour advance notice required. Limit 3 per person. Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.

Golden Fusion Fitness & Health
Ramsden Park 1020 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON T2J 0P6

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!

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