HOT DEAL: NuLife Laser & Wellness Clinic – $49 for One or $89 for Two 20-Minute LED Teeth-Whitening Treatments (Up to 85% Off)

NuLife Laser & Wellness Clinic

Today’s Groupon Toronto Daily Deal of the Day: NuLife Laser & Wellness Clinic – $49 for One or $89 for Two 20-Minute LED Teeth-Whitening Treatments (Up to 85% Off)

Buy now from only $
Value $299
Discount 84% Off
Save $250

A glowing smile charms irritable librarians, stern highway-patrol officers, and reactionary judges with their big, fancy ideas about driving through the library. Rev up your smile with this Groupon.

Choose Between Two Options:

  • $49 for a 20-minute LED teeth-whitening treatment (up to a $299 value)
  • $89 for two 20-minute LED teeth-whitening treatments (up to a $598 value)

This is a limited 5-day only sale that will expire at midnight on Saturday, August 10, 2013. Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!

In a Nutshell
Smiles whiten between two and eight shades during this 20-minute treatment

The Fine Print
Expires 180 days after purchase.
Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift. Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. Appointment required; walk-ins not accepted. 48hr cancellation notice required.

NuLife Laser & Wellness Clinic
573 King St W, 2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1M1
(416) 363-5433

NuLife Laser & Wellness Clinic’s practitioners dedicate themselves to beautifying skin and balancing bodies with holistic treatments. Advanced lasers zap skin, triggering endorphins to help with smoking cessation or stimulating the production of collagen for wrinkle-reducing skin tightening. Chiropractic and acupuncture help alleviate pain and restore bodies to balance, while teeth-whitening leaves grins brighter than the Cheshire Cat in direct sunlight.

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!

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