HOT DEAL: Quad – $29 for Five Spin Classes or One Month of Unlimited Spin Classes (74% Off)

Today’s Groupon Toronto Daily Deal of the Day: Quad – $29 for Five Spin Classes or One Month of Unlimited Spin Classes (74% Off)

Buy now from only $29
Value $111
Discount 74%
You Save $82

Today’s Groupon from Quad:

  • $29 for five spin classes (a $111.87 value, including HST)
  • $39 for one month of unlimited spin classes (a $157.07 value, including HST)

This is a limited 5-day only sale that will expire at midnight on Sunday, October 14, 2012. Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!

In a Nutshell
Certified instructors lead interval-based spin classes in which students pedal and sweat at their own pace to galvanizing music

The Fine Print
Expiration varies
May buy multiple. New clients only or those who haven’t visited in 2+ yrs. 1 month option must be activated by 1/10/13, expires 1 month from date of activation. 5-class option must be used in full by 2/9/13. Must sign waiver. Classes are non-transferable. HST included.

447 Speers Rd., Suite 10 Oakville, Ontario
(905) 842-1812

580 King St. W, Lower Level Toronto, Ontario
(416) 203-1811

672 Queen St. E Toronto, Ontario
(416) 850-2799

Certified instructors pedal alongside groups during dynamic spin classes. Introductory sessions acquaint students with bike setup, different hand positions, and proper cycling form, preparing them for a standard class. These one-hour lessons balance intervals of challenging speeds with more serene periods, permitting guests to set their own pace. Other class variations include 60-minute endurance rides and spinning combinations, which mix indoor cycling with exercises such as Pilates and deep stretches.

Click for class schedules: Quad, Quad East, and Quad West.

It’s impossible to feel left behind at a Quad spin class. This fact is true in a literal sense, as the indoor cycles are stationary, but it also reflects the welcoming mindset that prevails at each studio. The certified instructors at all three locations prize community and confidence over breakneck speed. They host several introductory sessions throughout the month, ensuring that beginners familiarize their hands and feet to the Schwinn IC Pro bikes so that they can adjust their pace. The other spin sessions vary based on the whims and musical tastes of the teacher, though they typically include a warm-up, cool down, and intervals of intense pedaling.

More than 19,000 visitors have perched aboard Quad’s cycles since the business’s inception in 2002. The studios have also garnered features in Freshdaily’s compilation of the best spinning classes in Toronto, and on Travel to Wellness’s list of the city’s best gyms. This popularity might stem in part from their imaginative variants on the spin formula: in addition to regular 60-minute classes, they schedule combinations of pedaling and Pilates, boot-camp drills, and three-hour rides that test the stamina of experienced students. At Quad East, a live DJ spins during select classes, prompting groups to sync their routines with the beat and crowd-surf across other people’s handlebars.

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!

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